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Season 2021 is looking good! There has been multiple locks on the ball pythons already and now we've also started pairing our hognoses.
Our pairings for 2021
Ball pythons:
Normal het pied x Banana pinstripe het pied
Butter leopard pinstripe x Fire GHI mojave
Lavender albino poss het pied x Lesser het pied
(Twinspot albino x Anaconda albino*)
Twinspot albino x Anaconda het albino
* update 2/2021 - no viable eggs from this pairing
Our new girls <3
Fire GHI Mojave ball python & ToffeeConda hognose

Our boa babies are ready for new homes! :) In the last week we also got to welcome two lovely ladies to the house! We got a ToffeeConda hognose and a Fire GHI Mojave ball python (pics coming later, we´re letting them settle in for now).
Sonoran het leopard IMG-line x Sonoran IMG het leopard
Born 22.5.2020
Albino twinspot x Anaconda het albino
Hatched 17.4.2020

Snapped a few pictures while setting up all the babies. Speechless!

Boa babies born! :) We got 14 babies and 9 slugs. All the babies are looking good and 3 leopards in the clutch!

All our hognoses babies have started eating and are doing good.
Albino anaconda girl posing in the pic :)
From this years pairing we got:
2.2 wildtype het albino
2.0 anaconda het albino
0.1 albino
0.1 albino anaconda

Looking like a nice mix of wildtype, anacondas and albinos.

First babies of the year!
Finally the first hognoses have started peeking out of the eggs :)

Hognose eggs! 9 eggs from albino twinspot x anaconda het albino. One egg looks empty but the other eight all have good looking veins so hopefully we´ll have tiny noses poking out in about two months.

Sonoran female is ovulating. It looks like we might get boas this year :)