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All the babies are out of the eggs! :D
Pairing: Superpastel lesser pinstripe poss YB het clown x Supervanilla

Pairing: Superpastel lesser pinstripe poss YB het clown x Pastel Enchi het clown

Pairing: Butter Mojave Pinstripe x Cinnamon
Second clutch out of the eggs :) 5 good looking babies!
We originally had 6 eggs in this clutch, but one of the eggs went bad during incubation.
Pairing: Butter Leopard Pinstripe x Fire GHI Mojave

First clutch is coming out of the eggs! :D
Update: From this pairing we got 5 dreamsicles, 1 piebald, 2 lavender albinos and 2 normals.
Pairing: Piebald het lavender albino x Lavender Albino het piebald

Our Boa imperator gave birth to 3 live babies, 3 stillborns and a total of 15 slugs.
Very unfortunate clutch, but at least we got these three beauties to look at now.

Yesterday we got another 5 eggs from BEL x Cinnamon and
11 eggs from Superpastel lesser pinstripe poss YB het clown x Supervanilla.
All of our eggs came within a week of each other this year.
Going to be exciting times when they are all hatching :D

Third clutch of eggs from Superpastel lesser pinstripe poss YB het clown x Pastel Enchi het clown :).

Season is off to a great start!
We got our second clutch of eggs from Butter Leopard Pinstripe x Fire GHI Mojave.

First eggs of the year! :D 10 good eggs from our Lavender Albino het pied (paired with Piebald het lavender albino).
Fingers crossed for some dreamsicles :)